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A quick guide on using water meters

Writer: Jumoke AkinwaJumoke Akinwa

Water metering is an intelligent way to understand water usage in a household or an apartment society. Given the social, economic and environmental impact of water scarcity, it is best to start conserving the things that people usually take for granted, water being on top of that list. Research by Livpure suggests that about 50% of fresh water is wasted in the country, owing to inefficient water management practices and leakages. Checking the wastage of water and our own pattern of water usage is the easiest way to conserve water. Here, we look at what you gain when you go in for water metering, types of water metering, etc.

What is a water meter?

A water meter is a device that is used to track water usage. It helps, not just in monitoring consumption but also to save money incurred on electricity used to pump the water and also energy consumption for the functioning of sewage treatment plants.

Benefits of using water meters

The incentive to conserve water: Using a water meter acts as an incentive for you to conserve water. It is the first step towards discipline and monitoring your water use pattern.

Volumetric pricing: Why pay more for water use when you aren’t using it? If you install water meters, you will pay only as much as you use.

Detect water wastage: It is important to monitor water wastage through leakages, dripping taps or any other reason. Some of you may be using water in moderation but end up paying (or wasting) more owing to structural defects in the source of water at home or at the distribution level. Water meters will help you analyze and take action against such problems.

Estimating subsidies: Authorities often subsidise water charges for those who cannot afford to pay for it. However, it is important to check water wastage in such scenarios, especially because the state authorities often have to bear a huge cut in their revenue when they offer subsidies. Water metering is an efficient way to understand usage and set targets when rolling out subsidies.

Regular supply: If water consumption is checked and reasons related to wastage identified and corrected, housing societies will be better equipped to ensure that the water supply is adequate and equitably distributed to all households. Water supply in unoccupied flats can be temporarily cut, as well.

Lower energy consumption: Directly or indirectly, you are misusing energy when you waste water. Water metering ensures that you minimize energy consumption when you use only as much water as you need.




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